This series is inspired by everyday surroundings or my extended trips to magnificent nature.
Afternoon walk through the garden or the aquarium, looking at the moon at night, watching the liquid falling from the edges, watching ice cream melting, or amazing walks at the edges of volcano, and on the Alaska Ice field, are the endless resources of my creation and limitless playground
My works are always about seemingly eternal universe versus the temporal existence of human beings. I like to combine geometric forms from urban environment against nature’s organic forms and textures. My goal is to achieve harmony thru contrast: nature versus human, mortal versus immortal, object versus primal elements.
Cactus Transformation
2018 ceramics and light
Cactus Transformation (close up)
2018 ceramics, light
Nature with Illumination gallery shot
Contrast I
2018 ceramics, light
Passing Through
2018 ceramics, light
2018 ceramics, light
Nature with Illumination
Gallery shot
Coral Formation 1 Green
2019 ceramics, light
Coral Formation 1 Green (close up)
2019 ceramics, light
Moon Series 1 Red
2019 ceramics, light
Moon Series 1 Red (close up)
Blue Cone
2018 ceramics, light
2018 ceramics, light
Playing with Shapes
2018 ceramics, light
Ice Canyon
2019 ceramics, light
Ice Cream Cones
2020 Ceramics and Light
Ice Cream Cones
2020 ceramics, light
Dropping Off the Edge
2020 ceramics, light
Dropping Off the Edge
Gallery shot
Lava Flow 1
2020 ceramics, light
Blue Flow 1
2020 ceramics, light
Blue Flow I and Lava Flow 1
2020 ceramics, light
Blue Flow II
2020 ceramics, light